Weight loss! Don’t Keep Falling for The Same Scam With the new year right around the corner, there will be an influx of so-called products to help to lose weight, social media ‘weight loss experts’ will be pushing calorie restriction along with fast fat burning and flat tummy teas with outrageous claims to help to …
With the new year right around the corner, there will be an influx of so-called products to help to lose weight, social media ‘weight loss experts’ will be pushing calorie restriction along with fast fat burning and flat tummy teas with outrageous claims to help to lose weight in 21 days or less. Want to know why the weight loss industry is a multibillion (yes with a B) dollar industry? It is because these shot cuts are not sustainable, it doesn’t work. If you are ready to regain your health, if you are ready to do the work, if you are ready to uncover what the root cause is, if you are ready to unlearn beliefs that might be holding you back from reaching your health and wellness goals keep reading. It is never about eating less, the key is about eating more of the right foods and making the right lifestyle choices that helps you grow and thrive healthfully.
Over the past decades there has been so many changes to nutritional guidelines, remember when the American Heart Association, and other nutrition authorities recommended a low-fat diet, advising people to limit the amount of fat in their diets? Today thankfully the focus now is in overall healthy dietary patterns. There are so many trendy diets out there, I know it is so easy to get caught up in these quick fixes because you are desperate for a solution for you or sometimes for a family member, the truth is they never work long term, you lose and get the weight back, you are miserable the entire time and never seem to find that sparkle you are looking for in a sustainable and fulfilling way. Life is way too short to live it in constant misery, there is a better way, which is what I teach my clients. As an integrative nutrition and wellness architect, one of the very first things I tell my client is that food is not the enemy, you don’t have to spend time painstakingly tracking the quantity of the food you are eating, in my programs we focus on the quality instead. The truth is not all foods are created equal, there are lots of products in the market today that looks like food but doesn’t have the nutritional profile to sustain health, foods that creates an environment of chronic inflammation and imbalances which overtime, manifest in chronic disease progression. I will be 55yrs in just a few months, I am often asked what my secret is, I love sharing this poster from U. S. Food Administration from 1917 which is still true today.

There truly is nothing you can’t eat if you are not allergic to it, my clients are often surprised when I say yes to rice or bread. Rice isn’t fattening, but our greed for rice is. Those who have gone through my program know my special basmati rice recipe. What you eat, how you eat it and how much you eat matters. Want to know a few of the things that actually matter for weight loss??
- Sleep
- Stress
- Food quality/micronutrients
- Gut health
- Circadian rhythm
- Relationship with food/self
- Movement
- Environmental toxins
Please do not wait until your health is lost, or until a major illness like cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc forces you to make some necessary changes to diet and lifestyle. What I can categorically tell you at age 54yrs is that the human body is magical. With time, patience and the right nourishment both mental, physical and emotional you will be amazed just how resilient your body is. Want to work with me With gratitude Your Favorite Integrative Nutrition Health and wellness Architect